
Hiking Satyavati Lake in Palpa


Our hike started from Sisne Khola. It’s few meters after or before Jhumsa Bridge if you are coming from Butwal or Tansen. There is a message board with direction too but in Nepali language so if you are a foreigner you could ask tea houses. They will guide you to the start of trail.

Trail is very easy to identify because mostly they are of stones so very hard to get lost. Kinda stairs made of stone. We followed it. First half of trails passes through forest. After forest we met off-road dirt path for small vehicles. Don’t follow it. Trail made of stones is just across the road and follow that. You want to hike through nature not dusty road.


I bought a new camera


Photography and vlogging is my recent new hobby and the craft I am learning. Primary reason behind this new found interest is because I want to capture my hiking and outdoor travels other than my eyes. I want to share the experience with people.

Flower of a Coriander

Secondary reason is mental exercise that I recieve in a good way. I am from the field of software engineering and if you may believe or not it requires creativity to solve problems which is the most important skills required in any form of engineering. It’s an art too. No wonder why there are less good engineers among many in saturated market here. I learn new skills whether it is related to my work or if it is a new hobby. It keeps the flow of neurone active and sharp.

Remember new hobbies can be expensive in your wallet based on what hobby you choose so tread carefully and plan.


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